Throughout the Centuries since it was founded and financed by the Augustinian Bishop Fray José Laines, many personalities, scholars and noble families such as the Mendozas, Valdivias, Blessed Bishop Medina Olmos, Monsignor Ponce and Pozo, etc. They have passed through these walls from their conventual Church of San Agustín passing through great priests, when it served as the Church of the Conciliar Seminary of San Torcuato, until today as the Church of Santa María de las Lágrimas. Among that we highlight some of them.

Like San Pedro Poveda, founder of the Teresianas international association of lay people committed to teaching, a martyr shot in 1936 in the Spanish civil war shouting “I am a priest of Christ” where, in addition to being rector of the Temple, he spent many hours in prayer. Prayers that were also intensive for Don Carlos Ros González, although a decade later, with the Spanish Civil War over, he was the first diocesan priest to say Mass specifically on April 2, 1948 at the inauguration where the Sixes danced. In the last stage and the church under the control of the Brotherhood of Tears and as it is immortalized on the marble tombstone where you are, the much loved Bishop of Guadix Don Ginés García Beltrán on the day of his consecration on February 27, In 2010 he performed his first act as a mitred along with the apostolic nuncio Monsignor Renzo Fratini with the pious recitation of the Holy Way of the Cross before the image of the Sovereign Power (Ecce homo).

The last event was carried out by our Bishop Don Francisco Orozco Mengíbar on October 21, 2021, in which the temple was reopened for worship in a solemn Eucharist after the consecration of the altar with the relic of the first Bishop of the city and of Spain, Saint Torcuato the main of the apostolic men in that same act the Bishop officially institutionalizes the new name of the Church as “Santa María de las Lágrimas y San Agustín.

For our Brotherhood, each of the anonymous people who have selflessly contributed and contribute to this Church being restored for the greater glory of God and the joy of our Holy Mother of Tears in her Immaculate Conception are greatly appreciated. For this reason, in addition to thanking you for your assistance, we want you to feel part of our history with this guided tour that you have completed and wishing you a happy stay, we ask you to contribute with your donation as much as possible so that in addition to being able to keep the temple open we can continue writing this beautiful story. Thanks.

Audio gallery
  • Welcome and Church History #1
  • Ecce Homo Chapel #2
  • Chapel of the Immaculate Conception and of San Longinos #3
  • Altar – Altarpiece of the Virgin of Tears #4
  • Chapel of the Child God of Divine Mercy and Saint Cecilia #5
    Niño Dios de la Divina Misericordia
  • Characters linked to the Church and Farewell #6